Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hey teachers, breaking news, the Times Union doesn’t think you are professionals or all that bright either

Hey teachers, breaking news, the Times Union doesn’t think you are professionals or all that bright either

In an editorial once again gushing about Ed Pratt Dannals, the author took a brief moment to acknowledge the superintendent wasn’t a God and through sheer force of will had not transformed the district all on his own and paused to thanks a few others. Here they wrote: Teach for America to inject bright college graduates into the mix — the impact is huge.

Hmm I guess that means if you have been teaching for a while or God forbid got a teaching degree, you have just run of the mill intelligence at best. Non-TFA teacher’s impact must also be negligible at best too because at no time did the Times Union thank them. All those borderline sentient UNF teaching grads slobbering their way around our schools messing up the works must really infuriate the Times Union editorial staff.

Furthermore, a huge impact, really, how is that the case since 90 percent stay their 2 year commitment and vamoose.

Teach for America tells professional teachers, education doesn’t matter, experience doesn’t matter and being a professional doesn’t matter. TFA provides a revolving door of neophytes to teach our most needy kids something we know is bad for them, but hey the Times Union, without any evidence that says they are doing a good job and loves them.

TFA does have a role to play and that’s when all the professional teachers retire or say no more we will have to have somebody fill our classrooms and who better than some non education major who thinks to themselves, sure I’ll give that a try.


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