Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why would anybody in Mandarin vote for Jason Fischer?

Mr. Fischer is definitely the biggest school choice advocate running for school board. Though a lot of us who follow education issues know school choice is just another way to say, privatization.

Mr. Fischer won’t tell you this but kids that use vouchers and go to charter schools as a group don’t have any better education outcomes. Instead what we lose is educational accountability.

Regardless, I would like you to think about this.

I would be very concerned if I lived in Mandarin and he won. Some of the best schools in the entire state are in Mandarin and privatization; because those schools will lose resources will hurt those schools. Sure live in districts 7 or 5 and say, lets roll the dice on school choice, some of the schools there are struggling, but in 7??? Those schools are rocking. Why would anybody want to do anything that would jeopardize those schools or vote for anybody who would?

Jason Fischer is the wrong choice, we need representatives that want to improve our schools not blow them up.

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