You have to hate politicians that will say anything to get elected, or in the case of Mrs. Smith-Juarez not say anything. In a recent interview on channel 4 she said she was a small business owner and didn’t mention once that she was executive director of the Chartrand Foundation. You know the "Education” organization founded by the chairman of the state board of education.
Once, could be a mistake, twice could be chalked up to a coincidence but three times, well friends a pattern has emerged, a pattern that our schools and kids can’t afford.
Isn’t that funny, here she is running for school board and she doesn’t want people to know she runs an education organization, founded by arguably the most influential education figure in the entire state?
Maybe its because her mentors credibility is unraveling as news of his ideas gets out. Mr. Chartrand doesn’t believe in teacher experience or education, thinks the class size amendment was a waste and recently had the board set its education benchmarks based on race. Yes friends read that again, race. How far does Mrs. Smith-Juarez’s apple fall from Mr. Chartrand’s tree? She obviously doesn’t want the public to know.
This isn’t the first time Mrs. Smith-Juarez has been deceptive either. In an earlier interview she said she worked at an independent school because I guess she didn’t think anyone would have heard of Bolles and she inflated the statistics of Teach for America on the Chartrand Foundation site.
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